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Mar 10, 2016

"Faces of Significance" 80th Anniversary Portrait Competion


First place

tinted charcoal with an ink underpainting

14" X 21"

For this competition, artists submitted portraits of individuals who have or had a significant impact on the community. While working as a speech-language pathologist at Children's Allied Health Services, Diane Sumner had a strong impact on preschool children and their families. Her compassion and empathy helped families deal with their child's diagnosis, and better understand the difficulties and delays the child faced.


The top ten portraits in the competition travelled two six galleries in Southern Alberta:

CASA, Lethbridge

Claresholm Library, Claresholm

Lebel Gallery, Pincher Creek

Remington Carriage Museum, Cardston

Coaldale Library, Coaldale

Galt Museum and Archives, Lethbridge

Jun 05, 2017

"Artist Of The Month: June"

Society of Western Canadian Artists

Edmonton Alberta

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